Building a better way

Our Mission

At Härth we are building a place where people can have their own space. A space that is private, a space of meaningful interactions that are authentic and troll free, a space to share with your friends. Hanging out with your friends online shouldn’t come with the penalty of trading away all your personal information. Your data is yours, it shouldn’t be used without your permission or knowledge. We believe you have a right to privacy. That is why we are building a subscription-based service where privacy is a right, conversations are authentic, and you are the priority.

A problem for us all

The last couple of decades have seen our privacy eroded. In exchange for the ability to interact with our friends we let ourselves be tracked across the web, let our conversations be mined for personal information, and more recently have had our content stolen to train some corporate AI. Having conversations online shouldn’t mean giving away your privacy. We don't track or spy on you. No ads, no data mining, no stealing your content. Big social networks sacrifice your privacy for their profit -  trading your data for cash. We don’t do that.

A better way

Large social networks have become breeding grounds for misinformation. They are filled with trolls and unpleasant interactions that keep people from expressing themselves honestly for fear of being unfairly judged or harassed. We believe that having a private space all of your own allows you to be yourself with your friends. Create your private space today and join us in creating a better way.

Paying for social matters

When you pay for a service, you are the customer, not the product. Our subscription model ensures that we are focused on developing the best experience for you. You are the priority.

**Härth is currently in early access and is free for all users.